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▲ Khadi fabric is called Indias “Fabric of Freedom”. In order to get rid of the British-controlled Indian fabric market, Gandhi called on Indians to take off their foreign clothes and wear khadi (Indian traditional hand-woven fabrics). Support independent sports. The people began to textile, weave, wear clothes on the ground, and made their own clothes, and thus gradually became independent! Khadi is therefore not just a fabric in India, but also a spirit of independent movement. Khadi is characterized by hand-woven and hand-woven, comfortable texture, looks exquisite and delicate, durable and durable, in addition, Khadi fabric can achieve 500 yarns, such high-yarn yarn can not be produced by the machine, soft and breathable The touch is comparable to the silk! ▲Select the pure cotton material of India, plus the woodcut printing method in the Indian desert area, the simple hand feeling, as if with the national totem, in an exotic atmosphere ▲ use less environmentally friendly to the earth Ink, stick to the earth ▲ Exclusive romantic color, wear a fresh and casual style ▲ can change according to your mood, both sides can wear ▲ Taiwan design, select Indian cotton wood engraved fabric Handmade, meticulously crafted, can be worn by ▲The side has a rounded design for easy body stretching ▲ Cotton touch, wear a personality, feel a new experience, wear a world trip! ▲ New Indian cotton and woodblock print tops and coin purse, take home with you! ▲Attached in a carton pack for easy gift delivery ▲Materials - 100 % Indian cotton difference in size is about plus or minus two centimeters. サイズ サイズ/寸法 身幅(cm) 肩幅(cm) 着丈(cm) 袖丈(cm) Free 50 37 54 0
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