『手作りのかぎ針編みの大きなバッグ Ω』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-a364791fa8から出品され、339の入札を集めて04月14日 11時 49分に、5,395円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は5,395円でした。栃木県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
This large side shoulder woven bag is woven with splicing colors and is completely handmade using cotton thread made in Taiwan. Color: as shown Size: height about 32 (the height of the center) width about 40 The height of the strap is about 35 inner lining Design/manufacture place-- ▲All products are designed and produced by Marie herself -------------------------------------------------- -------- This is JenNiNis handmade store, maybe my products are not perfect, but I am very serious about making each product, I hope you can like my products No cash on delivery Please understand after receiving the package, please open it immediately to check whether the product is defective. If you find any defects, please report to us within 3 days! Returns and exchanges are not accepted for products that have been launched! buyers who have high standards for products, please also consider whether to buy Every computer has color difference, and will try to use normal light to shoot. High bidders are really recommended to purchase in physical stores, please do not cause trouble to both parties! It is inevitable that there will be a slight color difference due to lighting. The measurement error of general products is 2-3cm, which is the normal range, and the measurement error of elastic and wool knitting products is 2-5cm for the normal range. Every time it is made, the size of the product may be affected due to the material. If you don’t mind, buy it in the subscript. Thank you for supporting my store
限られた一方製織ヨガマットバックパック/ヨガバッグ/ヨガバッグ/手織りバッグ - 赤色カラフルサリー手撚り線フェアトレード Ω
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¥ 7810
バレンタインデー限定版手編みのひよこの財布/羊の毛布入場パッケージ/袋/ゴミ袋 - 虹のストライプのかぎ針編みひよこ動物の友人 Ω
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339 入札履歴